Thursday, September 30, 2010

WWW Tracfone Com, Tracfone Minutes, Tracfone Card

The most beneficial Free Minutes for Tracfone card at this time is to buy the phone deal that comes the LG 225 and One Year Tracfone card. Go to the Tracfone Wireless website. Click "Buy Phones" put in your zip code then buy the $100 Lg225 with one-year card. I recently purchased one for a friend and activated it.

I went to Www Tracfone Com Codes for Tracfone and found a bonus code Tracfone card. You will automatically get 400 400 minutes when you add the card because of the DMFL on the LG 225. With a bonus code I was able to get 300 more Free minutes using this Tracfone card.

I was able to get my friend the LG 225 phone (one of the nicest Tracfone camera phones) and 1,120 minutes and 14 months of service time for $100. This is the best prepaid cell phone value I have seen.

Be sure you use the Tracfone Bonus Codes . Presently you can get between 50 and 300 bonus minutes when adding a Tracfone card.

Double Minutes for Life Card (DMFL)

Tracfone is now selling Double Minute for life cards to add to your Track Phone. Any time you add a Minute Tracfone card to your DMFL phone you will get twice as many minutes as stated on the card. The bonus codes will work in addition to the DMFL card. This will help get the most Free-Minutes-for-Tracfone.

Do not buy the DMFL Card

You are better off to buy a Tracfone card that comes with a phone that includes DMFL. Often you can purchase one of the Tracfone card specials with lots of minutes and a free phone for barely more than you will pay for a DMFL card. Free-Minutes-for-Tracfone recommends only adding minutes to Tracfones with DMFL.

Using Tracfone Bonus Codes

To increase minutes to Tracfone, be sure to get your bonus code first. Then go to TracFone Wireless and put in the 15 digit Tracfone PIN number and your 5 digit Free Bonus Code (they both go on the same page). If your bonus code does not work on your phone the web site will tell you twice that your code won't work. On the third bonus code you try Tracfone will just add the minutes and not tell you your bonus code will not work. I recommend if you get your bonus code Tracfone card refused twice leaving the Tracfone web site and opening a new browser window and go back in. With this you can try more bonus codes.

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